Planes, Cranes and Just About Every Other Type of Automobile
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November has found me in a rural community just outside of Mtwapa Kenya.  The goats here out number the white residence about 100 to 1.  I am here with the Hope for the Nations charity, to build the two story residence for women wanting to break free from the streets and prostitution.  It is a beautiful community, quiet and just a little away from it all so it seems. 
This is in contrast to the constant traffic jam that makes up the main roads through and to Mtwapa from Mombassa.  An 8 mile journey that should take 20 minutes but often is well over 1 hr at best.  The street is peppered with somewhat abandoned hotel builds for the European tourist trade, now left empty due to the recent rash of terrorism in the area.  This is unfortunate as the friendliness of the majority of the people rivals that of our dear friends in South Africa.  They do not have much, but are willing to help to serve and accommodate anyway they can.  Yes some of it is financially motivated., but for them most part it comes from a heart that is full of hope and wanting to make a better life for themselves and their community.  There is a great sense of family every where you go.  I wish we had more of that in the UK.. . though  I must also add that there is in no way a sense of urgency.  It is non-existent except for the salesmen.  Delivery times can lag up to 10 days on essential items as we have discovered… not good on a tightly planned service project.
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The new 2 story building is located directly behind the Catholic Church in the area.  Several times this week we have had to drop our tools in order for the people to hear in the services and Bible studies without the sound of grinders in the air.  I love the reverence of these people’s faith.  Simple, focused on Christ, not rushed.  Not once have I seen a service where long after the minister has left the building did the congregation even move.  Instead choosing to remain sing and pray for another hour or so.  Peaceful, wonderful souls.
This trip has been unusual as there were only 6 on the core team to begin with, and due to delays, only Lyncoln Bell and myself remain to make up for the 10 day delay we encountered here on materials.  Times like this are good for my soul… for reflection of priorities.  To return to basics stripped of everything we know…(except coke and Fanta drinks).  I pray that I can take this simplicity back home to the UK and share it with my girls.  Often these trips shape your heart and mind.. putting perspective back into life. 
  BACK TO THE TITLE...      
This trip has seen everything imaginable.  I have had to direct a 25 ton crane at 36C  95% relative humidity down cart paths… scheduled too many planes for myself and others on a phone perched between a goat and a mud hut in a field, rode on more motorcycles to and from the worksite daily than my spine would care to acknowledge due to the absence of roads...endured public transport that was closer to a car cramming event at SPREE youth, and even bounced through the streets in a tuk tuk (3 wheeled taxi) with welding supplies and drinking water... It has been an adventure so far.

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But what all these things have taught me is that all of these vehicles will get me from point A to B with some sort of internal combustion engine is that though the world around us changes, we need to get the job done…  we need to not loose vision of the goal.  WE are his workmanship created to do good works in Christ.  The forms of what we may have to do to get the great commission and the Love of God out there, but the goal is the same and must not be forgotten…  In a jungle beside a mud hut.. the word of God is proclaimed.  On the high street beside a 16th century church in the UK that is now a disco or Mosque, the truth needs to be proclaimed.  In the comfort of our homes in Canada... the truth needs to be proclaimed.   We must continue to run the race set before us.  Adapting on the fly to what we need to do to get the job done. May I encourage you today to  remember me in your prayers  as we try to find a new way to help the poor and widows of our world, but may this letter also encourage you to reach out and get on with loving as much as you can within the vehicles of life offered to you by the Lord.

 Please pray for me  as I am off to South Africa to confirm the details of next April’s trip with Humphrey and Stephen.  I will then return to Mtwapa to finish the units for occupancy.  Coming home just a little later than I had hoped…. But hopefully completing the goal….

In Him,



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