Take the long way home..........

Thoughout this year the only thing constant is change, the one thing that never changes is our goal to remain faithful to Christ and continue to do our part to build His kingdom either physically or spiritually.  Whether that is; continuing on with the YMP trips, building schools and orphanages through Hope for the Nations and Rainbow FM, creating affordable gated housing in South Africa via the new venture of CHS (Container Housing Solutions)  or even returning to Middle Park to keep the camp moving forward our focus is the same.  

WE are HIS workmanship created to do good works IN Christ.  WE all have one life to live and WE all will continue to have an audience of only one that really matters, now and forever.  My prayer is that WE all continue to think about our time on earth here in that light….

As many of you are aware, we are in transition.  What does that mean for a family of 5 now residing on 3 continents… No matter what we do it is going to be a long way home.  After celebrating Madison’s 17th and Christmas December 7th, December 9th we parted ways as a family to transition back to Canada.  Brigitte left to see her parents, a very overdue trip stopping in Winnipeg, Calgary and Victoria at present.  Madison decided to tarry in Wales with the friends and the church she loves while she finishes her orthodontic surgery.  Mya continues to create her world in Calgary and Morgan and I have been doing humanitarian construction in Africa and will be doing so for the next few months.  The plan is to eventually end up back in western Canada somewhere, the trick is figuring out exactly where and when and what we should do there in light of our current international commitments for schools, housing and orphanage construction.

So what has been happening.  Since pulling the trigger to leave the UK so much has happened in a short time.  We have literally created an international company focusing on supporting NGO’s in developing low cost building solutions.  

Since December we have been to:


Constructing a farm office and a very nice bungalow as a commercial project for HIS.


Constructing a 32 bed dorm for a camp/conference centre.  Phase 2 will see a community art centre and a street market designed for developing commerce in a rural village.


We have made 2 trips volunteering for the LIV trust, we designed and did the initial placement of a welding school for the orphanage.  It is there desire to build an additional 2000 beds for orphans.  We would love to see them do them in containers for the sustainability and cost.


we are currently building a 25 container 3 story 16 classroom secondary school on the shores of Lake Victoria for HFTN Canada.  Morgan and I will be at Living Waters Ministries until the beginning of April when we will return to Johannesburg for the 2017 YMP trip.


The work under the direction of Chris and David continues to grow.  Please pray as the show home for the new container village is in final fittings.  If this project goes, which a lot of people are excited about, we could have a solution that will help people globally to not only have homes that are affordable, but secure from theft and communities limited in opportunist rape and social problems.

Getting ready now for:

Dominican Republic 

There is growing interest in building another secondary school in the DR.  Currently fundraising is on schedule to begin at least a phase one in 2017.  Whether this happens before or after summer camping season is a question still on the table.  Covet prayers for this..


Funds have become available to put the three phase electrics into Middle Park Camp.  That along with an increase in summer bookings and the potential to build a winterised dorm for the site will have us ‘visiting’ Wales this summer during the seams of school construction.  Pray for wisdom and discernment on how to manage our time when we get there.

Oh.... Canada

The jury is still out as to where we are going to land as a family as there are so many variables to consider.  Please pray for wisdom as all the factors have to be considered.  Would be nice to celebrate a Christmas with snow in 2017..
Still in HIS service,



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