Audience of One... Cast of Many


I had a great deal of affirmation after last month’s blog.  We truly do serve only one.  He is the Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the end.  But we do not serve in isolation.  Often, outside of our control we encounter ‘gifts from God’.  These co-travellers, committed to the same relationship with God, but skilled in different ways to compliment what God is doing in our own life.  When we walk with the Lord it is amazing how many of these travellers appear to support a vision centred on the development of God’s kingdom.  This blog is dedicated to those who ‘draw alongside’ at the right time, for the right reasons, to weave together the tapestry we are constructing for Him.

Bob with me in Africa building relief housing.....
Bob- A 70+ servant of the Lord, faithfully comes and waters the grass on our hot Welsh spring days ensuring that there will be a playing field for youth this summer.  I have seen Bob ‘sow seed’ while praying over the camp.  Bob has brought tele-handlers, tractors, water, electric fences and ‘favours’ for the Middle Park camp project for the past 5 years... Yet his only motivation is to serve his Lord....   It is my firm belief that I am in Wales because of the prayers of this man.  He has been praying for a camp for kids for over 20 years..... The Lord has heard his call.
Tom in his familiar seat on the excavator
building a football pitch for camp this summer.

Tom – a local dairy farmer has donated more time to the camp than most.  He is not from a Christian world, but I trust him explicitly to get things done.  I am hard pressed to find a more committed servant of the community.  It is my prayer that Tom come to Africa with me this October to see the spiritual side of our ministry, but for now, his constant work ethic and the donation of his 17ton excavator to help with the work is a witness to us all of how ‘loving your neighbour’ is good for the soul and what we are all wired to do if we want inner peace.

Ben Morris (Far left) with YMP crew from Liverpool, Calgary and Hollywell.....
Ben – is serving on a gap year in Grasmere, South Africa.  His faith was the backbone of our trip earlier this year.  He is still there, setting up a support scheme for the orphans at Ebenezer.  Taking time to bury the dead, help with the birth of the babies, and teach advanced maths to the residence who have no other home.  While serving in April, Ben was in charge of IT, shovelled more mortar that was required, ‘pastored’ several tense relationships at the home while filling all the gaps of technology and logistics that we faced while building the new structures.  Ben is not yet 20, but I would work for this young man because he serves no one but the Lord.
As I start to think of all the people I have a chance to journey with I am humbled.  There are those of you that pray, those of you that support us financially, and those of you that offer a shoulder to vent on.  But the ministry here is not MY ministry, it is our ministry, and I could have written 100 names and stories that have happened this year alone to keep the work here on track. 
Life is not about getting to the station.  It is about the journey along the way, a walk with a cast of friends all headed in the same direction.  Seeking some day the words of the Lord; ‘well done good and faithful servant’...........
A Few more...



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