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2013 will see the Middle Park Camp, settling in and expanding resources. This blog is late because I was busy grading the expanded residential fields, installing a road and football pitch and building a new blob tower with an expedition team for Scotland and a second from Virginia. 

 Year one was amazing with 550 bodies visiting the site over the summer.  Most, young people from the Celtic nations Ireland, Scotland and Wales are travelling with their leaders to experience the ‘best week of their lives’ at a culturally relevant event.  This year we will repeat that and, as much as we can, raise the bar for young people to see us love them in an unconditional way as Jesus Christ did for us. 
2013 will see the return of a Hovercraft to the camp.  This will replace the experimental quad bikes that have proven very hard and costly to repair.  Then we have the addition of Air Soft (a modified paintball) as an activity and the introduction of a new and improved blob tower and ropes course.  We continue to do the best we can for young people year on year.  For those of you have sacrificed to help us with capital developments... I cannot thank you enough.  There is a growing excitement about the potential of this camp as a tool for outreach in the UK.


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