March to May has seen very little time for pausing and reflecting.  If I was not off to Africa, I was preaching at my local church or digging a ditch at the summer camp.  There has been no end of variety of activity that I have face on any given day or week this spring.  But how do you measure if this time was successful or not?  How do we quantify success with such diversity in life?  How do any of us know if we are doing what we are supposed to be doing when we are doing so many diverse things?

I don’t think I am alone in saying that we all face this at some time in our lives.  We live in a fluid world with so many variables that it can seem hard to find a benchmark to determine success.  Kids come, kids go, work goes well and then hits a wall, our health is here and then the health is a hopeful memory standing in our way of what we used to be able to accomplish.  So how do we measure success?  It is my firm belief that this benchmark is not beyond our control.  In fact it is rather simple....As Christians we serve an audience of Just One . . .
No matter if you are busy, filled within your employment or in a transition of work.  Whether you are a ‘professional’ minister or in the regular work place, my prayer for us all is that we quantify the right things. We are measured, judged, justified and set apart by an audience of one. How simple would life become if we lived to this mandate. Agendas would disappear, ‘important things’ would be measured in the light of eternity, and I feel we would get our perspective back in regards to what is worth lifting energy towards...

My prayer for us all this spring, is that you serve an audience of one.... 
Read on for more May Posts....


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