Oh Come Let Us Adore Him

This is the 12th year that we are serving in the UK and we will once again not be in Canada for Christmas.  With family at such a distance, this season often fills me with reflections awakened by the appearance of several distinct worlds which emerge in the UK as people precipitate around their own traditions…often songs reflect well where they are coming from.
Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer
The first world is filled with those are going to have  “The best Christmas ever!” , what the event is about is immaterial to most, it is just going to be the best Christmas ever.... Whether Jesus is central or not is secondary.
Santa Claus is Coming to Town
Second world is filled with the awkwardness of people troubled by the social balancing act created by holiday events. Blended families, strained relationships and unresolved conflicts are brought to a head around a series of several forced relational days which can no longer be avoided by TV dinners eaten on lap trays in front of a liquid crystal display.  The message of peace and forgiveness is mostly lost in the mirror of personal reflection, a mirror that is filled with mistakes, regret and possibly a nagging voice of ‘why am I alive?’ as the routine of life loosens its grip for a short time.
Away in a Manger
Another world moving at a torrential pace is often found within the church.  Christmas plays, pantomimes gift programs and carolling roll off day by day with military precision as we get on with the best opportunity to reach the lost afforded to us all year... which may include filling expectations of an ever shrinking community by doing things the way they have been done for decades, whether they are relevant or not, while leaving them longing for something more.
Oh Come, Oh Come Emmanuel....
What song do you want to reflect your Christmas this year?  Maybe a little of all of these will be a reality.  Some hype, some tension and some witness...  but for me.... I want the presence of God in what I do...  If you are part of the circle that receive this blog, understand this that over the Christmas season of 2012, my prayer will be for you to encounter the presence of Christ no matter what else is playing in the background.  I will pray that you will be surrounded with those you love, with peace and with enough wealth to enjoy the moment.   But the greatest reason for the season...will be your awareness of the Risen Saviour, in your relationship with Him, during a quiet moment this year.....
Selah...Have a blessed Christmas ... 
Coming to Canada Feb 2013...Please read next post for more info


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