One Small Step for Man....

Why do I share this.... The step off the LEM in July 1969 is
not unlike young people stepping out in faith and committing their lives to
Jesus Christ. They are taking a leap
into a brave new world, that begins to reveal life in full colour to their
soul’s and not in the humanistic black and white. They are beginning an adventure that is limitless
if the seeds of faith are set deeply within their soul. They can ‘boldly go’ into the adventure that
God has prepared for them.. But many
things can stop this growth in it’s tracks.
Please pray with me that these young
people’s first steps will not be into the wall of organized religion, of
cautious Christianity, or even worse into the void of spiritual space as they
return home and are left not to be challenged, discipled, or embraced by the
kingdom of God or a mentor.. Please join
with me in praying that 40 years from now, some of the 60+ youth that chose to
stand up for Jesus Christ at camp this summer, are world leaders, trained to
handle the word of truth, established as disciplers and mentors themselves, and
dripping the love of Christ to a smaller lost generation, as so many others
have started the adventure around them....
Many of you have heard me rant that if each Christian was to
disciple 3 youth over the course of 2 years, so that by that time they each
could disciple 3 that could do the same.
The entire world could be saved in just over 20 years. Please pray that we step up to the plate as
Christians, please seek the Lord that you know your part in this. And please be obedient in those steps.. Becoming a Christian is not 1 small step on a
mountain top. It is the first step in a
journey that can change the world with love, hope and purpose....
Please Read the Following 2 Posts for Minsitry Updates
Climbing the Mountain: Middle Park 2012
African Expansion
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