African Expansion

Our April trip to South Africa to build the school for Olive Branch Outreach seems a distant memory after so much time focused on camp.  However, not only is the school working well, the school has been ‘finished’ by the local charity to a standard that is so refreshing to see.  This 560 sq/m building cost just over £35,000 and accommodates just under 400 students.  The concept has been so successful that we have had several more requests to build similar if not larger structures in 2013.  I will be in Gambia sometime this winter helping to develop the first phase of a school based on the same general principals.
The South Africa trip for April is already building momentum, with some of the groups that have attended in the past creating their own flavour of trips.  I was questioned if I was concerned about this break away from our direct supervision.  The truth is I am honoured.  If we continue to only run trips via the YMP label, then we will limit the potential growth that is needed to see more and more UK young people ‘get servant leadership’ and mission.  Discipleship is such an important thing that we need to have everyone in every church and outreach ministry experience this sort of sacrifice 1st hand.  Jesus said that ‘we will always have the poor amongst us’, in some way they are our greatest gift because they provide opportunity for us to show the extent of our love for Christ.
YMP 2012: School Build
2013 will see the YMP project partnering with Grace Bible Church in Soweto.  The framework of the project is to build the first 2 story orphanage for youth using shipping containers.  And for those coming who are younger and less ‘technical’ in their skills, pressed earth houses as prototypes for expanded housing projects.  Please pray for wisdom and the right team to be assembled for this year’s adventure.....


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