Well that Sucked?

Please don't misunderstand me.... Whether it be the spiritual realm or the physical realm, both contexts abhors a vacuum. To eliminate the vacuum and bring things back into balance they create “suction”.  In the physical realm things moving to the equilibrium, a static or stable point, are mensurable in their transition - but what of the spiritual realm?  

It is my belief that we HAVE TO CREATE SPIRITUAL VACUUMS TO SENSE GOD ON THE MOVE.  You might say “We are not supposed to put ourselves in a position where God is tested” -but I challenge you to see it as a natural extension of your faith journey.  If we do not live 'by faith' but only take part in activities we know we can do -activities that we know we can accomplish within the boundaries of our own strength - how can we expect to experience God’s rushing-in to fill the gap? Without God’s grace, power and provision, how can we explain to the world this 'victorious life in Jesus we keep alluding to'? 

Runcorn YL and WA6 Young Life
This year Young Life International and YMP took 105 people to South Africa to build a school…(2012 video and photos). Yes a school, not a house or a couple of houses, but a HUGE 560m2 school. The purpose was to provide to non-churched teens and those young in their faith a living and relevant Christian experience so that they could make up their own minds about Jesus. They could also see how taking intelligent risks, trying new technologies and techniques, can open doors to helping more of the poor. This results in inspired youth who experience first-hand that new ideas are ok and dreaming is an important part of life.

What is strange is to see how God moved to make the thing work; donations from corporate South African Companies, volunteers coming from nowhere and from around the world with the skills and expertise to get the job done, and even time delays that revealed God's providence and protection. All these things come together to show in real time the presence of a real and living God...

Our leap of faith created a vacuum, a need which allowed us all to experience the 'wind', 'pnuma' or 'Spirit' that shows up only when we are empty in our abilities and skills.  It is my prayer that for years to come our trips will always 'suck'......for if we can do it in our own power... then we will never experience the refreshing breeze upon our face, reminding us that He is there.....

Read NEXT Post for Summer 2012 Camp Update!


  1. Hey Bill! I get it...my life hasn't been sucking much of late and I'm missing out. Pray that I wouldn't stay stuck - what's clogging the vacuum?! Bless you my friend. Tim G in Ktown


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