As we complete the first of the 2 twelve day Youth Mission Projects here in South Africa, the call to worship from the local mosque is truly a wake up call that on this Easter weekend, not all world views support our Judeo Christian Heritage.

The Abrahamic blood covenant of Genesis 15, where God stepped in to demonstrate that HE will sacrifice HIS blood on our behalf if we fail to live a perfect life is globally becoming a distant voice crowded out by secularism humanism, materialism and apathy. The problem is the growing voice of Islam that is waiting in the wings to swallow up the millions who are crying out within their souls. 'There has to be more'.

I have not seen an Easter service in my home country for almost 20 years now, as every spring we take youth to learn to serve others while explaining the good news of Jesus Christ. But this trip is so necessary. If we are not out here at least once a year, the voice of truth that we are to live out our Christian lives in an active and vibrant relationship with God is drowned out by races for chocolate eggs and maybe a family trip to the local stone parish Church to have the basics explained to us once again in hopes that something will trigger....

We need to wake up and show the hope and power of the resurrection. We cannot just speak it under the call towers of others who fervently believe that another direction will bring hope, meaning and new life.

This Easter, my prayer is that we not necessarily Go to Church, but that we Live it. That we become the visual call to worship in all we say and do...

He HAS risen, He has risen in deed.......

Following is our Africa Build 2012 Update


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