(This report if written at the midpoint of our YMP trip)

This year's YMP project has been very ambitious indeed. The main structure for the 560sq/m community centre is now in place on the slab. The first team this year has done some remarkable things. See our PHOTO GALLERY for some great pics!

click here to see more

Team One:
• Cleared the new parcel of land
• Hand dug the foundations for all containers
• poured 20 cubic meters of concrete
• Cut out the 32 windows, 14 doors in steel
• Moved the entire existing school (All 6 buildings) 1km up the hill to the new location in the centre of town
• Ground, primed and painted 5 - 12m shipping containers
• Built a 20m block wall
• Installed a 170m security fence.

As a reward they were given the time to go bungee jumping (optional) attend a cracking service in Soweto and a few days out...

click here to see more
This week Team 2 will:
• Final coat paint the exteriors and interiors
• Build the internal classroom walls
• pour 20cubic meters of concrete to finish the inner sports hall floor
• Load the 17m long roof trusses and
• Sheet the roof.

This years project has been the most ambitious we have ever tried and the 105 youth that have raised just over 1 million Rand this year to do this project have been an inspiration to me and to this community. Please pray for us as we hope to not tire of doing good as the second team arrives today for this extended trip of almost a month is still in full swing.


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