It Worked!

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For those of you who did not get the last report, 2011 saw the Powis camp move up to the middle park site with the lakes, the quad, the low ropes course and most of all the quiet beautiful trees. The generator, waste system and water though having a few glitches during setup during camp ran seamlessly allowing us to not only enjoy the camp with the youth, but also paved the way to a larger capacity for next summer. The camp will extend to 3 weeks next year with a capacity of 200+ per week. We are expecting that this will translate to over 500 youth on the site through July and August. Please pray as we now are already all about detail the details for 2012.

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It is finished!

At the time of Jesus Christ’s death on the cross, not many people were catching on to what he was talking about, His fulfilment of the Abrahamic covenant, that someday the ‘perfect lamb of God’ would be sacrificed to bring salvation to man. That whosoever would accept this gift of sacrifice would be saved by His act of grace. Entering Jerusalem 5 days before his death as the chosen sacrifice, crucified at 9am, passing away at 6pm, every element of the Old Testament was completed by his life, death, and resurrection; fulfilling the law to open the door for all of us.

As we all know Jesus’ sacrifice on the cross was not an end, but a beginning. Offering eternity, hope, purpose, and life abundant to all that would take hold of it.

At the end of camp I often hear many of the leaders say ‘It is finished’ as well, mentally bringing closure, usually to an exorbitant amount of energy sacrificed to serve kids. But the truth is, it is not ‘finished’, the opposite is true. It is a new beginning for most, rejuvenating young people with strength to move forward in their faith despite the tidal peer pressure at school to stand for nothing. New hope to many who have found grace for the first time at camp and a new beginning to regain understanding of life and its meaning.. It is a chance for young leaders to take new confidence back into the next school year and reach out to those around them. And it is a springboard to deeper relationships that we will share over a lifetime.

Please journey with us as we do not close off 2011, but we press on to 2012 and all the Lord has in store for us...


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