Summer 2010 Update

Camp, Camp, And More Camp!

I would estimate that just over 6000 volunteer hours were used in setting up and taking down marquees and tents this summer! SPREE Wales saw just over 600 participants the July 2-4th weekend! Caerwys camp had over 100 participants focusing on primary school kids. While the Young Life/ Wild Life camps peaked just over 200 on the Powis Show grounds. Add this up with the other Young Life camp at the Pioneer Centre, Kidderminster and camp numbers are definitely on the rise. Every Year we ask the same questions as our arms and legs are fatigued during the epic adventures that are camp setup & take down, ‘ Is this really worth it?’ And no matter how we look at it the answer is always YES!

One week of camp still remains the equivalent of one year of relational development for kids and their leaders; and for service crew over one year of character development as they serve in everything from sit down meals, to cleaning the toilet, to basic construction and learning just how much work a camp is to run. And how a little hard work can be rewarding and bring spiritual growth. (Honestly a week in an open field wearing a flower print apron can really do something to a teenager. )

The Powis Hover Craft Camp has just drawn the curtain of its third year and has proven that if we offer excellence in what we do, even if it is just in tents in a field; share the gospel of Christ clearly using fun and humour, bathed in love, the youth of today will still engage Jesus Christ. It is predicted with our growing momentum that in August 2011 we will see almost 300 at Powis camps alone! Camps are essential for the many new relationships created by the expanding network of Young Life and Urban Saints Groups and the building confidence in a quality & fun, experience for young people. Please pray for us as we begin to think about the first steps towards putting up a more permanent facility not far from Powis Castle in Welshpool for next year.

A Camp Story
Building numerical growth is important but what its far more important is the lives that are changed at camp. This summer we saw many youth take deeper steps into their personal journey with God. I asked Mike to tell me what he thought of camp.....

Before camp I was probably as far away from God as a person can get. I was taking anti-depressants and not in a very good place with myself or with some of the people around me. I was falling away from the world very fast. So fast in fact that I was pretty sure there was only one option left for me.

My world, my life, was a mess. Friends abandoning me left, right and centre, my amazing mother Jen sick, and working at a constant war with my father. I couldn’t have honestly lasted another day. It was only when Bill and Mya rang me and invited me to camp that I began to see a tiny glimmer of light.

It really had been as last minute as you could get for coming to camp. And from what Mya told me it had been quite a juggling act but, in the end I had managed to get to the camp grounds and from there on I seemed to not only be dropped into the deep end with life again, but with God, and in a massively big way too!

I spent hours in prayer, crying out “Why won’t you answer me?” But nothing changed, nothing happened. Then three days in to camp I got exactly what I needed, at exactly the right time. I was literally paralyzed by the Holy Spirit; unable to move, unable to speak. All I could do was lift my hands in praise and prayer, thanking God. When I could eventually move I ran to tell Bill, Mya, anyone and everyone I could find! I was ready to take that next step!

Over the next two weeks I was soaring on eagle’s wings talking to others about faith and then in turn sharing my story. It really is true what they say “Spiritual Maturity doesn’t take a life time.” I was living and breathing Christ, spending time with Him verbally as we talked about the future and what He had in store for me. I thank God and everyone for the amazing experience that was camp! It really has changed my life in every shape and form and that is no exaggeration! I am striving to be who God wants me to be and I want to preach the gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ!

Before .... Camp, Camp and More Camp.
In May and June as youth squirrel away their time cramming for exams, it is our time to prepare the infrastructure for the portable summer camp on the Powis showground. Due to the nature of the camp, water, electric, gas and even sewage connections must not only be confirmed, they have to be built each year. Our entire camp fits in the equivalence of two 40ft shipping containers, stored in a Welshpool barn. Though only costing £17,000.00 to equip 3 years ago the camp strives to provide excellence in camping within a Welsh culture. This Tented City has pressure balanced hot showers, a commercial kitchen capable of serving 180 meals at a setting. Electrical services to the 20’x40’ marquees for campers and even a laundry facility. Infrastructure aside, the camp also provides a 600 ft waterslide, a Land Zorb (human hamster ball), personal hovercraft, canoes, kayaks, ropes course, hot tubs, swimming pool and games room for youth. Again WHY... because we are desperate to show the love of Jesus Christ to these youth in relevant ways. We want to create an environment where youth say ‘ this has been the best week of my life’.

Closing Comments
It was my privilege to be on program team this year with Mya my daughter and Liam from Runcorn. Though I spend a great deal of my time behind the scenes of camp putting things together as I get older. It is a privilege to laugh with kids and invite them to look at the world through a different set of eyes. It is a privilege for all our staff to do what they do. To all of you who support this ministry I just want to say thanks for making it happen.

Sincerely in His service,



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