Not this again... Life in Routine

The weather has begun to turn here in the U.K. The rain is
just a little bit cooler than it was last week, and the sun is cresting the
terrace houses at the end of the street a few minutes later every morning. All around me everyone is drifting back to the
routine of school and work. I visualize
1st year students excited to learn their A,B,C,’s while feeling apprehensive
of being alone in school for the first time without a parent. I can see teenagers looking at an algebra text
they put down in July
with only a vague recollection of the concepts. Now they’re
praying for secret decoder rings that will remove the fog of summer neglect
from their minds. This is topped only by
the worry of “Will anyone like me?”, and “Will they fit in this year’s social
calendar?”. Finally I can see parent’s
breathe a sigh of relief as the routine of life gets back into gear. They are
free of trying to pry their kids from a screen or pushing them to go out and
get some air with ‘trusted’ friends, while they balance work with kids at home.
This has become our systematic cultural
autopilot to start the new school year. It sees that our kids are out of the
house before dawn and returning at the end of the day, often to an empty house. It
is our routine, but is it what we were made for?
For over 20 years now September and October has always been about
exciting adults to reach into the world of teens and encourage them to know
Christ. In our post modern world, this
is no longer simple. It is hard work;
people are sceptical of any sort of relationship that is not academic. To
fill life with love or laughter... Why? There has to be a catch, there has to
be a reason you want to help someone. It is the way of the world you know, the dog-eat-dog
world that it is. You can’t love me for
no good reason, you must want something.
We had over 600 youth enjoy the new blob tower and club
room, from as far afield as Northern Ireland.
And due to demand, we have organized a second Africa trip for this year
in late October to put the second floor on the school we built in 2012.
I fear that as routine kicks back in complacency can creep
in and take root, too. Without
intentional energy and focus we can miss our kids growing up, miss our family
and miss our community. Even relationships
can be placed on the back burner of our mind, behind work, dishes and video
games. We can have everything around us
and yet be alone in our routine. Even more troubling to me is that we can
leave God out of the equation entirely as we fill our spaces with creature
comforts of predictability.

Wanting to hang out with teens now is so ‘out of the
ordinary’, you have to have a security check to do it! (Which all our leaders have- by the way). But yes,
it is worth it. No matter how many teens
I have met in my life, their goals aspirations and dreams are greatly
influenced by peers, role models and friends.
Their values, morals, and faith are fabricated as they journey life
together in the halls and through the streets to and from school. And we
need to be there... in their world as a Christian presence that counter balances
the pressures of the world against them. And it is in the discussions along the way, which
may seem the most routine that are the life changing times of process that
shape young people into adults. In the world of youth ministry we are
preparing to ‘be there’ again.
This fall, it is my prayer that we have more and more adults
that break out of the ‘routine’ of their own lives to reach into the lives of
others. Would you join me to pray that we have an abundance of leaders here in
the UK??? Would you consider supporting the work where you live? To maybe get you out of the house a bit more
and into the lives of the next generation.
Or would you help to support the work so others can free up time to get
out and hang with young people? A life
is a collection of memories. In the
routine let’s find some together....
What was going on
this summer?
This summer has been immense and anything but routine,
filled with construction, restructure and lots of relational time with youth. We continued digging in the new camp,
dreaming with youth and adults alike, what could be next in the camp’s

The TENT board and all that it entails in the UK is now in
place and we have had some enjoyable times as a YLI staff team dreaming of how
to reach kids for Christ as the scope of ministries we have together
grows. I am especially excited that the
staff are now starting to ‘cross pollinate’, inviting area clubs and even
regional clubs to be a focus this year.
Youth are headed to the states to see if YL can be a career choice and
intern opportunities are growing in the mission to reach out to teens where
they are at.
On a personal note
September saw me out of action as I pinched a nerve in my back, and November
will see Brigitte having major surgery for a prolapsed in her bowel. Push an Africa trip into the middle of the
mix and we do have some challenges for October and early November, so we will
covet your prayers. By the time Brigitte
is on the mend we are planning to both come to Canada in February. So if you have some time, please start making
room in your diaries for us to spend some time together.
Looking forward to and pray for :
October YMP trip to Africa
Infrastructure development of the camp to find
favour with planners
Details for the 2014 YMP Africa trip in the
spring break
The container house ‘business’ we are trying to
set up
A secret project we are doing for missionaries
in a closed country we cannot give details about.....
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