
Showing posts from May, 2013


March to May has seen very little time for pausing and reflecting.   If I was not off to Africa, I was preaching at my local church or digging a ditch at the summer camp.   There has been no end of variety of activity that I have face on any given day or week this spring.   But how do you measure if this time was successful or not?   How do we quantify success with such diversity in life?   How do any of us know if we are doing what we are supposed to be doing when we are doing so many diverse things? I don’t think I am alone in saying that we all face this at some time in our lives.   We live in a fluid world with so many variables that it can seem hard to find a benchmark to determine success.   Kids come, kids go, work goes well and then hits a wall, our health is here and then the health is a hopeful memory standing in our way of what we used to be able to accomplish.   So how do we measure success?   It is my firm belief that this benchmark is not beyond our control.   I


Click here for enlarge images in Photo Gallery 2013 will see the Middle Park Camp, settling in and expanding resources. This blog is late because I was busy grading the expanded residential fields, installing a road and football pitch and building a new blob tower with an expedition team for Scotland and a second from Virginia.     Year one was amazing with 550 bodies visiting the site over the summer.   Most, young people from the Celtic nations Ireland, Scotland and Wales are travelling with their leaders to experience the ‘best week of their lives’ at a culturally relevant event.   This year we will repeat that and, as much as we can, raise the bar for young people to see us love them in an unconditional way as Jesus Christ did for us.   2013 will see the return of a Hovercraft to the camp.   This will replace the experimental quad bikes that have proven very hard and costly to repair.   Then we have the addition of Air Soft (a modified paintball) as an activity and the int


There is nothing more empowering than seeing those you helped, empowering themselves ( see video below ).   The Africa 2013 project was delivered on time and on budget as phase 1 or the 2 story building was completed in Grasmere, Gauteng, South Africa.   In total 96 participants raised just under £100,000 to make a difference to the 130+ orphans in the centre.   In late October a second team will go down to install the second floor of the structure.   This will be out of containers.   Below we see pastor Tommy and his local crew putting the final touches on the North building. If you are interested in going on the October trip, send me a note and I will make arrangements to have you along. Click to see more photos in gallery.