AND THEN IT WAS SUMMER – 2012 Summer Camps Report

Upto 600 kids@ Powis Camp 2012
Straight from the plane my life became engulfed in making preparations for the 2012 camping year.  Last year we had just under 190 participants @ Powis camp enjoying the new location. This year we will smash that number as we are on pace for between 400 to 600 youth in the 4 weeks of camps we provide. Week 1 will be a new camp for Scotland and Ireland Young Life International.  Week 2 will be a discipleship camp, Week 3 The national Welsh Young Life Camp and Week 4 will close the camp season with the Wyldlife outreach for 11 to 14 years of age.

What can you do...
1. Please Pray.. the camp is growing but  the goal is the same .... presenting the truth in such a way that youth can understand a relationship with God.

2. Support...  we are in an exponential growth time. Last year we had 1 Kart... this year there are 3.   There was dining for 150 this year 250... the waterslide was 25m this year it is 100m. and last year the pool held 5 student... this year 30.  (we won't mention the size of the septic tank we now have)  If you are interested in supporting the camp you can do so through the Trinity Foundation.

3. Come Along...Just like the Christian walk... The vision for this camp will not be taught, it must be caught.  If you have the means to come along and be a part of this... please do... just let me know in advance.

Wherever you end up this summer, I will pray that you are getting on with getting on..... bringing hope to those around you by 'dripping the presence of God in your attitude, love, laughter and compassion...

In His Service,


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