Nov/Dec 2010 Update

RDP housing trip Report......IT WORKED!

It is not very often when a dream comes so close to a reality. The RDP house which has been built and rebuilt in our minds many times since 2005 exceeded all our expectation.

The new 2 part polyurethane spray made immediate and noticeable effects on the thermal properties of these containers, turning these crates from a steel shack to a home in literally minutes. Thank you to all those who helped us lay the groundwork for this new ministry in South Africa! We believe in the next year this alternative modular housing might make huge changes to the lives of those waiting for a home in the townships of South Africa and beyond.

What’s Next?
This prototype house will now be used by the 1in1out charity to show government officials what is possible using new techniques and technology.

You can describe things to people, but unless you can touch it and experience it, it remains no more than a concept. If this structure (which will be used as part of a technical college training centre for welding, sewing, baking and a lamp making factory) receives favour, hundreds, if not thousands of these modular homes will be constructed, creating jobs and skills for the local poor. It has been the right thing to do....

You might be interested to know that the technology developed for this project was actually developed for the Youth Mission Project (YMP) where YL along with Urban Saints Wales and a host of other incarnational youth workers will travel to build relief housing for the poor. April 8 to 26th 2011 this new construction technique will be applied to build homes for the poorest of the poor, while clearly presenting the Gospel of Jesus Christ to the participants in a YL club format... Building homes while building lives.

Please pray as over 80 young people will be travelling to Johannesburg to not only build houses, but character in many youth that have never even heard the name of Jesus Christ..

So Why Did we do this?
So many of you have asked what does this have to do with incarnational youth ministry...

Simple, every action, every word, every deed in our lives are done in the presence of a Holy God and also in the line sight of the many youth who have attended the overseas service projects and the communities in which we live. Youth and the world want to see if what we say and what we do really lines up. They want us to live our lives in the same way as Jesus told us to in the New Testament.

When you did it to the least of these you did it unto me....

Back Home
We hit the ground running on our return from Africa. Nov 29 to Dec 2 was the first ever Europe YL new staff training, with no less than 6 of the attendees was from Wales. Which leaves us wondering... what is God up to in this part of the UK? We are not going out of our way to recruit new staff, we are however open to helping and serving these young youth workers to empower them to do more for Christ in their communities. Many times the need is for training, infrastructure and pastoral support. Our role is to mentor this team along with the existing workers in YL and the TREAD program.

Who are these new Staff Candidates?
Barry Watkins comes to us from the Methodist church. Though firmly established in the Helsby High School as the Chaplain (appointed by request of the Principal), structural changes in the church have left him needing to move his ministry into the larger community. A group of adults have rallied around Barry and have established the new YL work based upon a great history. Barry will be on staff as of the writing of this newsletter.

Steve Blunt has not yet decided to come on staff, but is looking seriously at this leap of faith. Steve is a veteran outdoor pursuit’s instructor and guide and works with the Princess Trust teaching disengaged youth to make the most of life. For years Steve has always wanted to do what he does but include the faith component as the final answer. Pray for wisdom and discernment as we continue to walk with Steve. His community have approached YL because of his character and work with kids for years...

Steve Taylor and Jojo work under one committee in Herefordshire both with Skate Park Youth focus. BMX, skateboarding and inline youth hear the gospel where they hang out on the park with Steve and Jo Jo while receiving warm drinks from a trailer that is taken to the various sights.

Steve is recovering from a serious bought with cancer as is Jojo. But their passion for reaching lost youth remains second to none. YL in their area is all about putting a structure together to support this fantastic work. Check out the Urban Creation on facebook to see pictures of their Man Overboard skate events where kids regularly compete and hear the gospel of Christ. Both Steve and Jojo will go onto part time staff once adequate funding has been raised in the community. For now the region is helping both of them by covering expenses to empower their ministry. Pray the committee comes together.

Dave Davies AKA ‘Mr Whippy’ was so moved to help youth he bought an ice cream truck to hang out with kids in his community. Dave is an outdoor instructor as well, but is called to reach the teens in a small coastal town. This rural ministry might seem hard to most, but Dave is about relationships with this group of teens... Dave continues to work at the Men Y Don activity centre until adequate support is raised to allow him to spend more time with youth.

Merry Christmas
It’s here again.... one of the largest dilemmas in life. We want people to find the Christ. We want them to engage the depth of life that there is when we find our true purpose in Him. Yet again we are faced with the torrent of commercialism and materialism. It seem harder and harder to step away from the cultural routine to reveal the Height and Depth and Width and Breadth of the love there is in Christ Jesus to a world that is moving faster and faster... Being overseas is a bit of an advantage, separated from extended family aside from a few phone and skype calls, we are left alone to reflect on the Christmas season. My prayer is that you too would have time to reflect on what is important and to once again embrace the creator of all life humbling Himself to save us all through the shedding of blood.....

Visit to Canada
It is my intent to return to Canada in February to catch up with supporters and family. If you are interested in getting together please drop us a line so we can set up time to see you...

On behalf of the whole Hebner clan,
Still in His Service,



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