
Showing posts from February, 2017

Take the long way home..........

Thoughout this year the only thing constant is change, the one thing that never  changes is our goal to remain faithful to Christ and continue to do our part to build His kingdom either physically or spiritually.  Whether that is; continuing on with the YMP trips, building schools and orphanages through Hope for the Nations and Rainbow FM, creating affordable gated housing in South Africa via the new venture of CHS (Container Housing Solutions)  or even returning to Middle Park to keep the camp moving forward our focus is the same.   WE are HIS workmanship created to do good works IN Christ.  WE all have one life to live and WE all will continue to have an audience of only one that really matters, now and forever.  My prayer is that WE all continue to think about our time on earth here in that light…. As many of you are aware, we a re in transition.  What d oes that mean for a family of 5 now residing on 3 continents… No matter what ...