PART 2 of 2: Why are We Still Using Hammers and Nails?

PART 2 of 2 UPDATE KYA SANDS Easter holidays would not be the same without our annual YMP trip. The group mostly from Wales and England this year descended upon the Judah Africa Ministry Centre and in the standard 10 day window with help from Rainbow FM and other local charities managed to put up a community kitchen, new administration centre and a soon to be ACE school to support the local township. Community support was higher than we had ever seen with a local building merchant and a crane company donating their services. These two acts alone allowed for us to not only build the school which was our goal, but add the two other structures as well. Just amazing what this small team managed to accomplish while hearing the good news of Jesus Christ at the same time. The new location has put the containerized structures on a major roadway. This has translated into a huge amount of curious people stopping to understand the cons...