Planes, Cranes and Just About Every Other Type of Automobile

Click for more pictures and info November has found me in a rural community just outside of Mtwapa Kenya. The goats here out number the white residence about 100 to 1. I am here with the Hope for the Nations charity, to build the two story residence for women wanting to break free from the streets and prostitution. It is a beautiful community, quiet and just a little away from it all so it seems. This is in contrast to the constant traffic jam that makes up the main roads through and to Mtwapa from Mombassa. An 8 mile journey that should take 20 minutes but often is well over 1 hr at best. The street is peppered with somewhat abandoned hotel builds for the European tourist trade, now left empty due to the recent rash of terrorism in the area. This is unfortunate as the friendliness of the majority of the people rivals that of our dear friends in South Africa . They do not have much, but are willing to help to...