I Want to Be a Clone

I know this world is temporal, and some day we will enter into eternity, finally realizing the scope of the beauty, variety, love and peace that it entails. Still, I can’t stop thinking about how much more can be done here on earth before then. We were all called to be His workmanship, to do good works in Christ, to spread the good news of Jesus Christ, to help the poor, to be creative, to laugh, to learn…. To deepen . I am a "doer", and with that I so often wish that I could do and experience everything. I have come to realize that most people end up doing nothing, paralyzed by either trying to do too much, or fearing that they have chosen poorly. Since taking some time to play golf last month, the world has opened up many new and expanded opportunities. I figure I have 15 more productive years on the Hobbs meter before the Lord is done with me. But what does He want that to look like, and am I willing to let Him shape that? ...