Audience of One... Cast of Many

_______________________________________ I had a great deal of affirmation after last month’s blog. We truly do serve only one. He is the Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the end. But we do not serve in isolation. Often, outside of our control we encounter ‘gifts from God’. These co-travellers, committed to the same relationship with God, but skilled in different ways to compliment what God is doing in our own life. When we walk with the Lord it is amazing how many of these travellers appear to support a vision centred on the development of God’s kingdom. This blog is dedicated to those who ‘draw alongside’ at the right time, for the right reasons, to weave together the tapestry we are constructing for Him. Bob with me in Africa building relief housing..... Bob- A 70+ servant of the Lord , faithfully comes and waters the grass on our hot Welsh spring days ensuring that there will be a playing field for youth this summ...