
Showing posts from August, 2011

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This newsletter is being written in my car as I am once again in a field outside of Welshpool sleeping in a tent. After a much needed break with my family in Venice, we have returned to start the ‘pre setup’ camp for the soon to follow YL / Urban Saints camps running through the month of August. Click Here to See More This year with the change of site location to what we believe would be an excellent permanent camp facility, we find ourselves setting up infrastructure again. I know a great number of you have come along to support this vision already and I want to assure you that so much has been done due to your generosity. All I can say is thank you.... We have dredged the pond so that the water quality is adequate to swim. We have excavated for the Blob tower and a new waterslide. We have created a cesspit, one of those often overlooked important priorities and a countless other things that need to happen before the relational aspect of ministry here begins. MORE PHOTO