Summer 2010 Update
Camp, Camp, And More Camp! I would estimate that just over 6000 volunteer hours were used in setting up and taking down marquees and tents this summer! SPREE Wales saw just over 600 participants the July 2-4th weekend! Caerwys camp had over 100 participants focusing on primary school kids. While the Young Life/ Wild Life camps peaked just over 200 on the Powis Show grounds. Add this up with the other Young Life camp at the Pioneer Centre, Kidderminster and camp numbers are definitely on the rise. Every Year we ask the same questions as our arms and legs are fatigued during the epic adventures that are camp setup & take down, ‘ Is this really worth it?’ And no matter how we look at it the answer is always YES! One week of camp still remains the equivalent of one year of relational development for kids and their leaders; and for service crew over one year of character development as they serve in everything from sit down meals, to cleaning the toilet, to basic construction and le...