Final instructions…. Thankfulness…

Final instructions…. Thankfulness… Rejoice always, pray continually, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus. 1Thes 5:16 - 18 Hebner Family Christmas 2015 As our time comes to a close in Wales, I feel it is appropriate that we turn our hearts and minds to these wonderful final instructions by Paul who has an incredible way to keep things succinct and clear. God’s will is to be thankful for what we have, where we are, within that or any situation. These words have rung more and more true as I have spent the last few years ‘fluttering’ around various African and European countries. I have seen souls that are truly thankful with nothing, living in a poverty that could make you weep, and I have encountered souls with everything in life, wealth freedom, choice, family and a faith of sorts, facing isolation and pain due to their inability to see what was s...