Way Too Long

‘Stop the world I want to get off’….. no, not really. I love the adventure! I must admit the pace is a little more than I wanted and the scheduling at best has been a little chaotic. However, over the past 3 months so many great things have happened to help the poor and the needy in South Africa, Gambia, Kenya and yes, still in Wales, that it has been worth the step of faith from the safety of YL. I will provide an update for each. Our change in season is in actual fact more of a personal seasoning… Releasing the skills we have developed over our adult lives to do more to make a difference in the world for which we were appointed bond servants to the most high God. Our lives will always be about HIS ministry, His work and for His glory. Thus, the name of our new venture into humanitarian and low cost housing solutions for the poor - Hebner Innovative Solutions (HIS). Though we are no longer part of a larger national charity it does not make wh...