Momentum.... scaling things up

mo·men·tum mōˈmen(t)əm,məˈmen(t)əm/ noun 1. 1 . PHYSICS the quantity of motion of a moving body, measured as a product of its mass and velocity. 2. 2 . the impetus gained by a moving object. "the vehicle gained momentum as the road dipped" 1996 Kelowna Amor Mexico build In 1991 a group of teens from Kelowna BC built the first Canadian AMOR house in Mexico. The simple beginnings of this 7m x 7m ‘garage on steroids’ as we called it has had huge implications on the way we have shaped youth outreach over the years and has left a tangible mechanism that we could use to help the poor at the same time. Always centred on relational development, the trips have been about doing life together to discover Christ, while at the same time holding true to scripture ….. do not forget the poor. Fast forward 20+ years and nothing has changed philosophically, but everything is changing kinetically....