It's been a while my friend....

SKIING IN AFRICA It has been a while since I have taken the time to write. Mostly because life has looked a great deal more like a black diamond mogul run than the typical groomed slope of routine ministry here in the UK. When you work with larger national charities such as Young Life and Urban Saints, seasonal routines of ministry come and go like trees passing along a gentle descending ski slope on a sunny spring day in the Rockies. Don’t get me wrong, all of events and tasks are important, relevant in how and what they are designed to accomplish here in the UK. But I could only parallel it with skiing a green run from the top of Lake Louise, loving the wind in my face as I had the time and the luxury to look up from the hill and see the glory of God’s creation in the blue sky and stark white snow. My direction on this run, a collection of weight forward calculated carves bathed in prayer, consensus, tradition and community. Sinc...