When is enough...enough?

more photos November 5 th saw a small group of 21 youth and adults from Llanelli South Wales complete the installation of the new ceiling and electrical system for the Khyae centre in Lehae. In addition to this main project, the group doubled the bakery capacity by adding a second container, laid out 200m2 of turf for the kids to play on... AND took time out to return to The Ebenezer Care Centre to render the 2 nd of the April 2013 project buildings that still needed to be done. As we waved good bye to this energetic group, Humphrey Birkenstock and I departed for the Khayelitsha township in Capetown to look at a potential 2014 service project site. Nothing can prepare you for a township of 1.4 million plus people living on a floodplain amongst great wealth and vineyards. Nothing can rob your emotions like giving flat out for 20 days to fill one humanitarian need, only to have to create another solution 24hrs later for another group of those in nee...