Spiritual Thatch...

In horticulture, thatch is a tightly bound layer of dead grass, including leaves, stems, and roots, that builds up on the soil surface at the base of the living grass of a lawn. Though we never see it, it is the difference between life and death, drought and famine, quietly going about its business protecting the surface from erosion, maintaining water and nutrients, and ultimately giving life. You can farm for a while, years even, by tilling away the thatch to expose the soil as a commodity, but like the dustbowls of the 1920’s you can only exploit the land for a while before it’s absence becomes painfully evident. On my recent trip to Canada, I discovered ‘SPIRITUAL THATCH’ I had never noticed it before, I guess I never needed it before as we were harvesting spiritual fruit in the Okanagan valley while working with YL in Canada. But time moves on and it is now the collection of relationships past that have gone on to grow spiritually years after the initial seeds of experien...