
Showing posts from March, 2010

Back to Africa AGAIN

March 22 to April 16 2010 will be the 18th year that Brigitte and I have been taking people overseas to build relief housing... This year we will once again be working with our good friend Humphrey Berkinstock to build traditional brick housing for the homeless or less fourtunate in the area of Freedom Park, Johnnasburg, South Africa. This year we will be striving to build four houses, changing four completely different sets of lives, families and friends alike, but along the way, building and helping out our own young people grow both in life and in Christ. We are striving to change our world, one house, one family at a time!

Showing your weath through your generosity...

I wish it was my line, but unfortunately not... It is the catch line for 'the one in one out' charity here in Johannesberg, South Africa.  Pastor Stephen Thomas, who heads up this amazing charity, operates on the simple premis that if you receive a gift or can buy something new for yourself, then give the old one away.... If this principle was adopted by the world we live in we could bring poverty to its knees quickly. It is in the Freedom Park Centre that we are based for the next 3 weeks building houses for the poor.  Our basecamp will have 3 functions.  One it will help us build youth from the UK by teaching them the value of helping others, two, it will eliviate a housing shortage for 4 families this year... You can only change the world one step at at a time, and finally it will allow us to create a base of operation for further years of experimentation with housing and structures made of exspandable concrete, recontitued shipping containers and traditional African...

Ok, Ok. I'll Talk!!!!

Hey everyone, family & friends from Wales to West Vancouver.... After my recent trip to Canada, it became painfully obvious that I have done a rubbish job of keeping up with people on what I have been doing, and what is about to happen...  I am a person that lives in the moment, and I must admit that my life can seem quite normal, until I talk with friends who are laughing so hard their eyes are filled with tears....   so we will try a blog.  I can't guarantee regularity, but I will try to put at least one entery a week to encourage and inspire those who want to take the time to read it. So may the adventure begin on this new experiment in letting people know what God is doing in my life... In Him, Bill